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Which PTE exam to choose?

PTE Academic

The PTE Academic evaluates four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and assigns a score based on the GSE (Global Scale of English). Thousands of colleges throughout the world accept the exam, and it is authorized for all UK, Australian, and New Zealand visa and immigration categories. More information may be found here.

You can take PTE Academic alternatively if you meet the following criteria:

You wish to study at a degree level or higher, and

your selected institution is a Tier 4 sponsor


The PTE Academic UKVI is a computer-based, computer-scored test that evaluates four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. It lasts around three hours and gives you a score based on the GSE (Global Scale of English).

In terms of content and format, there is no difference between PTE Academic and PTE Academic UKVI. Instead, to meet with UK Home Office standards, there are small changes in the registration procedure.

If you meet the following criteria, you must take the PTE Academic UKVI.

You wish to study at a lower level than a bachelor's degree (e.g., a Foundation program or professional English course)

The institution you've chosen isn't a Tier 4 sponsor*.

PTE Home

For UK family, settlement, and citizenship applications, a two-skills English language exam is acceptable. PTE Home is completed in less than 30 minutes.

PTE Coaching

About PTE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ut quam volutpat arcu posuere rutrum. Morbi sed est ac ex feugiat consectetur. Fusce suscipit porta elit, at mollis purus porta in. Ut suscipit, velit in tempus congue, nisi purus gravida nisl, et porttitor felis lacus quis lectus. Duis pretium ex ut diam lobortis, eget mattis ante tempor. Phasellus non sapien ut ipsum tincidunt convallis. Aliquam purus nibh, interdum ultricies gravida ac, lobortis ut ligula.

Reason for taking PTE Exam

Semper lacus cursus porta, feugiat primis ligula risus auctor and rhoncus in ultrice ligula purus ipsum primis in cubilia augue vitae laoreet augue in cubilia augue egestas an ipsum turpis

Comparison PTE versus IELTS?

Semper lacus cursus porta, feugiat primis ligula risus auctor and rhoncus in ultrice ligula purus ipsum primis in cubilia augue vitae laoreet augue in cubilia augue egestas an ipsum turpis

PTE acceptance

Fringilla risus nec, luctus mauris orci auctor purus euismod at pretium purus pretium ligula rutrum viverra tortor sapien sodales congue magna undo pretium purus pretium an magnis nulla

Quaerat sodales sapien undo euismod risus auctor egestas augue mauri undo viverra tortor sapien sodales sapien and vitae donec dolor sapien augue erat iaculis euismod

Why Choose PTE Academic?

One Stop 3 Hour test*

All Speaking, Writing, Reading & Listening modules covered in one sitting

Ease of Test Center Experience

Less number of students with no more than 10-15 seats

Fast identity check and go process

Rapid availability of Exam test dates

Even book your test a couple of days prior to Exam

Flexible time slots in a day

Test format

The first step in passing the PTE Academic test is to become familiar with its format, duration, and what to expect throughout the exam. Pearson's PTE evaluates people based on their Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening skills, just like other English proficiency exams.

PTE Academic is unique in that it is a computer-based integrated skill exam, which means that sections can measure many skills at once. Other notable advantages include year-round availability, fair grading, and general ease.

Speaking & Writing

77-93 minutes

This section covers seven distinct sorts of questions. You'll be evaluated on both your speaking and writing abilities, and you'll be asked to utilize English that you'd hear in an academic setting.


32-40 minutes

This section has five distinct sorts of questions that will assess your ability to understand academic English. The same item type is used to test both writing and reading abilities.


45-57 minutes

This section offers eight different sorts of questions that will test your listening abilities through a series of audio and video clips.

The Personal Introduction is your chance to tell your chosen organizations a little bit about yourself. You'll have 25 seconds to read the prompt and plan your response, followed by 30 seconds to record it.

This item is not scored, but it will be forwarded to the institutions you choose along with your score report. You may only record your response once.


On the screen, there is text. Read the passage aloud.


Depends on the question prompt length (max 60 words)

Assessment skill:

Reading & Speaking

How to answer?

A countdown appears in the recording status box until the microphone opens. You have 30–40 seconds to read and prepare the text. A brief tone will then be heard. After the tone, begin speaking right away. Your voice will not be captured if you begin speaking before the microphone has opened.

You should talk loudly and clearly. There's no reason to hurry.

Before the progress bar reaches the end, finish speaking. The term "recording" is replaced with "completed."

Your comment can only be recorded once.

TIP: The recording will end if you remain silent for more than three seconds.


After you've listened to a recording of a sentence, repeat it.


3-9 seconds

Time to respond

15 seconds

Assessment skill:

Listening & Speaking

How to answer?

The soundtrack starts playing on its own. The microphone opens after the audio is finished, and the recording status box reads "Recording." Speak directly into the microphone (no brief tone) and repeat exactly what you heard.

You should talk loudly and clearly. There's no reason to hurry.

Note: There is no beep tone after audio prompt finishes.

Before the bar reaches the conclusion, finish speaking. The term "recording" is replaced with "completed."

You won't be able to listen to the audio again. Your comment can only be recorded once.


On the screen, there is an image. Give a detailed description of the image.



Time to respond

35-40 seconds

Assessment skill:


How to answer?

A countdown appears in the recording status box until the microphone opens. You have 25 seconds to examine the image and formulate an answer. A beep tone is heard. After the tone, begin speaking right away. Your voice will not be captured if you begin speaking before the microphone has opened.

You should talk loudly and clearly. There's no reason to hurry.

Before the bar reaches the conclusion, finish speaking. The term "recording" is replaced with "completed."


Retell a lecture in your own words after listening to or viewing it.

You are only able to record your response once.


90 seconds

Time to respond

40 seconds

Assessment skill:


How to answer?

The soundtrack starts playing on its own. There may also be a picture associated with the music. You have 10 seconds after the audio ends to prepare.

A countdown appears in the recording status box until the microphone opens. A brief tone is heard. After the tone, begin speaking right away. Your voice will not be captured if you begin speaking before the microphone has opened.

You should talk loudly and clearly. There's no reason to hurry.

Before the bar reaches the conclusion, finish speaking. The term "recording" is replaced with "completed."

Your comment can only be recorded once.

Note:  You can take notes on the erasable note book supplied while the audio is playing.


Answer a question with a single word or a few words once you've listened to it.


3 to 9 seconds

Time to respond

10 seconds

Assessment skill:

Listening & Speaking

How to answer?

The soundtrack starts playing on its own. There's also a chance you'll see a picture.

The microphone opens after the audio is finished, and the recording status box reads "Recording." Answer the question with one or a few words and instantly speak into the microphone (there is no beep tone).

You should talk loudly and clearly. There's no reason to hurry.

Before the bar reaches the conclusion, finish speaking. The term "recording" is replaced with "completed."


Write a one-sentence summary of the passage when you've finished reading it.

Prompt Length

Up to 300 words

Time to respond

10 minutes

Assessment skill:

Reading & Writing

How to answer?

You've got ten minutes to compose a synopsis. Make careful to summarize the key elements of the reading text in a single sentence of 75 words or less.

The word counter at the bottom of the screen keeps track of how many words you've typed. You may also use the cut, copy, and paste tools to help you create your summary.

Cut: Select the text you want to remove from your response and left-click "Cut."

Copy: Select the text you want to copy from your response and left-click "Copy."

Paste: Place the cursor where you want the cut/copied text to be pasted and then left-click "Paste."


On a particular topic, write a 200–300 words essay.

Prompt Length

2-3 sentences

Time to respond

20 minutes

Assessment skill:


How to answer?

Your essay has a time limit of 20 minutes.

The Word Count at the bottom of the screen keeps track of how many words you've typed. Make sure you write at least 200 words and no more than 300.

You may also use the cut, copy, and paste tools to help you create your response.

Cut:  Select the text you want to remove from your response and left-click "Cut."

Copy: Select the text you want to copy from your response and left-click "Copy."

Paste: Place the cursor where you want the cut/copied text to be pasted and then left-click "Paste."

This section of the test lasts 32–40 minutes and comprises five distinct types of questions. Because the PTE Academic is a combined skills exam, one item type ('Reading and Writing: Fill in the Blanks') evaluates writing abilities as well.


The text on the screen has numerous holes in it. To fill the gaps, drag text from a box below.

Prompt Length

Up to 300 words

Time to respond


Assessment skill:


How to answer?

There is a section where some words are missing. A button with a drop-down list is located next to each gap. To show the drop-down list of alternatives for that gap, left-click on this button. Choose the one that you believe best fills the void.

Left-click on a different choice to change your mind.


After reading the material, pick numerous responses to a multiple-choice question on the substance or tone of the text.

Prompt Length

Up to 300 words

Time to respond


Assessment skill:


How to answer?

From the list of possible responses, choose all of the response options that you believe are accurate.

To pick an option, use the left mouse button to click on it. If you change your mind, uncheck the option by left-clicking on it again.

Your chosen selections are highlighted in yellow.


On the screen, few text boxes emerge in a random order. Arrange the text boxes in the proper sequence.

Prompt Length

Up to 150 words

Time to respond


How to answer?

You can move the text in one of two ways:

To pick a box, left-click on it (it will be highlighted in blue), then hold down the left mouse button and drag it to the appropriate place.

To move a box across, left-click on it and then left-click on the left and right arrow buttons. The up and down arrow buttons on the right panel can also be used to re-order the boxes.


The text is shown on a screen with numerous gaps. To fill the gaps, drag text from the box below.

Prompt Length

Up to 80 words

Time to respond


Assessment skill:


How to answer?

There is a section where some words are missing. The blue box has a list of words that you may use to fill in the gaps in the text. Because there are more words than spaces, you will not utilize all of them.

To choose a word, left-click it and hold down the left mouse button while dragging it to the gap where you want it to go. You may also use your mouse to move text between gaps. Drag a word back to the blue box to remove it from a gap.


After reading the material, choose one response to a multiple-choice question on the substance or tone of the text.

Prompt Length

Up to 300 words

Time to respond


Assessment skill:


How to answer?

There are a few different responses to choose from, but only one is accurate.

To pick an option, use the left mouse button to click on it. If you change your mind, just left-click on the choice to deselect it, or left-click on another option.

Your chosen choice is highlighted in yellow.


Write a 50–70 words summary after listening to a tape.

Prompt Length

60 to 90 seconds

Time to respond

10 minutes

Assessment skill:

Listening and writing

How to answer?

The soundtrack starts playing on its own. The audio recording can only be listened to once.

The Word Count at the bottom of the screen keeps track of how many words you've typed. Make sure to write a minimum of 50 words and a maximum of 70.

You may also utilize the cut, copy, and paste buttons when creating your summary.

Cut: Select the text you want to remove from your response and left-click "Cut."

Copy: Select the text you want to copy from your response and left-click "Copy."

Paste: Place the cursor where you want the cut/copied text to be pasted and then left-click "Paste."


After listening to a recording, pick various responses to a multiple-choice question on the substance or tone of the audio.

Prompt Length

40 to 90 seconds

Time to respond


Assessment skill:


How to answer?

The soundtrack starts playing on its own. The audio recording can only be listened to once.

You must choose all of the response options from the list of potential alternatives that you believe are correct.

To pick an option, use the left mouse button to click on it. If you change your mind, uncheck the option by left-clicking on it again.

Your chosen selections are highlighted in yellow.

Paste: Place the cursor where you want the cut/copied text to be pasted and then left-click "Paste."


A transcript of a recording appears on the screen, with several gaps. After you've finished listening to the recording, fill in the blanks with the missing word.

Prompt Length

30 to 60 seconds

Time to respond


Assessment skill

Listening & WritingA

How to answer?

The soundtrack starts playing on its own. The audio recording can only be listened to once.

Fill in the missing word by left-clicking on each gap. To travel between gaps, you may also use the Tab key on your keyboard.

Note: You can take notes on the erasable note book supplied while the audio is playing and then fill in the blanks later.


Select the paragraph that best summarizes the tape after listening to it.

Prompt Length

30 to 90 seconds

Time to respond


Assessment skill:

Listening & Reading

How to answer?

The soundtrack starts playing on its own. The audio recording can only be listened to once.

There are a few different responses to choose from, but only one is accurate.

To pick an option, use the left mouse button to click on it. If you change your mind, just left-click on the choice to deselect it, or left-click on another option.

Your chosen choice is highlighted in yellow.

It's possible that reading and listening at the same time will be challenging. It is suggested that you listen first, then take notes on the erasable note book before reading the summaries.


Select the paragraph that best summarizes the tape after listening to it.

Prompt Length

30 to 90 seconds

Time to respond


Assessment skill:

Listening & Reading

How to answer?

The soundtrack starts playing on its own. The audio recording can only be listened to once.

There are a few different responses to choose from, but only one is accurate.

To pick an option, use the left mouse button to click on it. If you change your mind, just left-click on the choice to deselect it, or left-click on another option.

Your chosen choice is highlighted in yellow.


After listening to a tape, choose the missing word from a list of alternatives to finish the audio.

Prompt Length

20 to 70 seconds

Time to respond


Assessment skill:


How to answer?

The soundtrack starts playing on its own. The audio recording can only be listened to once.

There are a few different responses to choose from, but only one is accurate..

To pick an option, use the left mouse button to click on it. If you change your mind, just left-click on the choice to deselect it, or left-click on another option.

Your chosen choice is highlighted in yellow.


On the screen is a transcript of a recording. Identify the words in the transcript that differ from what is stated when listening to the tape.

Prompt Length

15 to 50 seconds

Time to respond


Assessment skill:

Listening & Reading

How to answer?

The soundtrack starts playing on its own. The audio recording can only be listened to once.

To pick a word, use the left mouse button to click on it. Left-click on the word again to deselect it if you change your mind.

Your chosen words are highlighted in yellow.


Type the sentence after listening to a recording of it.

Prompt Length

3 to 5 seconds

Time to respond


Assessment skill:

Listening & Reading

How to answer?

The soundtrack starts playing on its own. The audio recording can only be listened to once.

Note: You can take notes on the erasable note book supplied while the audio is playing.

Always double-check your spelling.

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