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IELTS Coaching

Paramount Immigration is dedicated to helping students achieve their desire score in IELTS and ambition of studying abroad by offering first-rate services. Our Ahmedabad Centre is at Sindhu Bhavan Road is dedicated to offering the finest career guidance and support to those who wish to pursue a successful career abroad in the near future.

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IELTS Score explanation

The total band score is rounded up or down to the nearest full or half band. The average score across the four skills – Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking – is rounded up to the next half band if it ends in 0.25.

How test answers marked?

Band Score chart:

Band score Skill level Description
Band 9 Expert user You've mastered the language to the point where you can speak it fluently. Your command of the English language is acceptable, accurate, and fluent, and you demonstrate thorough comprehension.
Band 8 Very good user With the exception of a few unsystematic mistakes and incorrect usage, you have a complete mastery of the language. In strange environments, you may mistake several things. You're good at debating complex points in detail.
Band 7 Good user You have a functional mastery of the language, albeit there are some inaccuracies, incorrect usage, and misunderstandings. In general, you have a good grasp of difficult language and can reason in detail.
Band 6 Competent user Despite certain mistakes, incorrect usage, and misconceptions, you generally have a good command of the language. In familiar contexts, you can use and understand rather complex words.
Band 5 Modest user You have a rudimentary command of the language and can cope with overall meaning in most instances, yet you are prone to making numerous errors. In your field, you should be able to handle basic communication.
Band 4 Limited user Your basic competency is confined to situations that you are familiar with. You regularly display difficulties with comprehension and expression. You are unable to communicate in a complicated manner.
Band 3 Extremely limited user In very familiar situations, you just express and understand generic meaning. There are a lot of communication breaks.
Band 2 Intermittent user You find it extremely difficult to comprehend spoken and written English.
Band 1 Non-user Except for a few isolated words, you have no ability to use the language.
Band 0 Did not attempt the test You didn't respond to the questions.

The Common European Framework (CEFR)

The CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is an international standard for describing language ability. It assigns a letter grade to an individual's linguistic abilities on a six-point scale ranging from A1 (beginners) to C2 (advanced).

The IELTS scale runs from 0 to 9. To assess a student's language proficiency, IELTS teachers can compare scores to the Common European Framework.

IELTS Exam structure

Cursus porta, feugiat primis in ultrice ligula risus auctor tempus dolor feugiat, felis lacinia risus interdum auctor id viverra dolor iaculis luctus placerat and massa

1. Listening
(30 minutes)

The exam presents four recordings to the exam taker.

part 1 is a conversation between two individuals.

part 2 is a monologue (on a general topic).

part 3 is a conversation among up to 4 individuals.

part 4 is a monologue (on an educational topic).

2. Reading
(30 minutes)

The exam presents four recordings to the exam taker.

part 1 is a conversation between two individuals.

part 2 is a monologue (on a general topic).

part 3 is a conversation among up to 4 individuals.

part 4 is a monologue (on an educational topic).

3. Writing
(30 minutes)

The exam presents four recordings to the exam taker.

part 1 is a conversation between two individuals.

part 2 is a monologue (on a general topic).

part 3 is a conversation among up to 4 individuals.

part 4 is a monologue (on an educational topic).

4. Speaking
(30 minutes)

The exam presents four recordings to the exam taker.

part 1 is a conversation between two individuals.

part 2 is a monologue (on a general topic).

part 3 is a conversation among up to 4 individuals.

part 4 is a monologue (on an educational topic).

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