503-505, Magnifico Commercial hub, Sindhubhavan, Ahmedabad

CELPIP Coaching

The best CELPIP coaching in Ahmedabad can be found at Paramount Immigration. Known as the CELPIP, the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program assesses a person's proficiency in the English language. Immigration to Canada is something that many people try.

We welcome a large number of new students to our CELPIP training center in Ahmedabad. In case you're interested in taking the CELPIP test, Visit us once.

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The CELPIP Test (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program) is a well-known computer-based English language assessment tool. It provides a unique testing experience that requires no extra visits because all components are entirely computer-delivered in just one session. The Speaking component, which is given by computer, allows test takers to demonstrate their English competence without human interaction, as is the case with other testing methods.

The CELPIP Test is written in the English that is widely spoken in Canada. It's perfect for proving English language competence for immigration to Canada or citizenship in Canada.


Why to choose CELPIP test?

CELPIP General test

It takes around 3 hours to finish and completes in one sitting without the need for a separate speaking session.

CELPIP General LS test

It takes around 1 hour to finish and completes in one sitting without the need for a separate speaking session.

Valid for Canada PR status by IRCC

Used for Canada Permanent Residency applications.

Valid for Canadian Citizenship Status by IRCC

Used for Canadian citizenship applications.

Test format


short audio clip followed by a simple question to answer

Your answer is not evaluated

Assessment skill: NA
How to answer?

Don’t worry about the best answer.

Just focus on equipment check, timer flow and volume adjustment and try to give best answer.


short audio clip about a typical face to face problem-solving conversation between two strangers in a public place.

You will have three sections divided in 8 minutes to listen to.

You will hear an audio only once.

How to answer?

Eliminate the wrong answer.

Understand the main idea and expressions of opinions.

Apply thinking skill to draw a logical conclusion.


Practice listening to real English conversations of the kind. 

Understand speaker’s intention.


short audio clip about a dialogue between two person and answers a set of questions.

You will have 5 minutes to listen to a dialogue and answer the five questions that follow.

You will hear an audio only once.

How to answer?

Eliminate the wrong answer.

Understand the main idea and expressions of opinions.

Apply thinking skill to draw a logical conclusion.


Watch family or office drama scenes, listen to radio podcasts, Tv series that clarify day to day life conversation.

Listen for five W’s: Who-What-Where-When-Why and How.


A longer specialized dialogue about conversation between two people.

You will have 6 minutes to listen to and answer 6 questions that follows.

You will hear an audio only once.

How to answer?

Understand headlines before start of the audio to get hint about the upcoming conversation.

Eliminate the wrong answer.

Make an educated guess.


Try to guess the sub information by simply reading Headlines of the news paper.

Predict the story and see how many of your prediction were right. Though its not listening exercise.

A news story that covers a local community news.

You will have 5 minutes to listen to and answer 5 questions that follows.

You will hear an audio only once.

How to Answer?

Make to summary of the story if not understood whole content.

Differentiate main story to that of less important information.

Make an educated guess


Try making notes while listening an audio if it suits you.

Check website of CBC new program “The National” and try to pick one new topic and identify Most and less important information from it.

A video of three-person discussion a problem.

You will have 6 minutes to listen to, watch the discussion and answer 8 questions that follows.

You will hear an audio only once.

How to answer?

Make to summary of the story if not understood whole content.

Differentiate main story to that of less important information.

Make an educated guess

Try making notes while listening an audio if it suits you.

Check website of CBC new program “The National” and try to pick one new topic and identify Most and less important information from it.

A report that covers two different perspectives about a controversial social issue.

It is more challenging than any other parts of the listening test.

You will have 8 minutes to listen to and answer 6 questions that follows.

You will hear an audio only once.

How to answer?

Make summary of the story if not understood whole content.

Differentiate main story to that of less important information.

Make an educated guess


Try making notes while listening an audio if it suits you.

Check website of CBC new program “The National” and try to pick one new topic and identify Most and less important information from it.

This section of the test lasts 32–40 minutes and comprises five distinct types of questions. Because the CELPIP General is a combined skills exam, one item type ('Reading and Writing: Fill in the Blanks') evaluates writing abilities as well.


Practice reading a short passage and answering a question.

You will have 1 minute to read and answer 1 question that follows.

Your answer is not evaluated for this question.

Assessment Skill: NA

How to answer?

Don’t worry about the best answer.

Just focus on equipment check, timer flow and volume adjustment and try to give best answer.


Task 1: Practice reading a personal message and answer 6 questions in the text. You will have 6 minutes to read the passage and answer six questions.

It can be any subject that people discuss in a typical correspondence like film, vacation, a dinner party etc.

Task 2: Then read a response message and fill 5 blanks based on the best choice. You will have 5 minutes to read the passage and answer 5 questions.

You will have 11 minutes in total to respond to this item type.

How to answer?

Understand main topic and then a specific information.

Elimination wrong answer.


Skinning and scanning skills needed.

Skinning means quickly run your eyes through whole text and grab main idea.

Scanning means quickly locate piece of information or some phrases.


Read a message in email and refer to a diagram shown. Then find the best answers of the questions.

You will have 9 minutes to answer 8 questions that follows.

How to answer?

Understand who the writer and recipient are and the flow of message and specific information.

Keep the answer options of dropdown menu in mind and skim the related text.

Eliminate the wrong answer.


Practice with diagram contents of newspapers or any academic images.

Understand the flow and the type of the content.

Create self questions from the diagram and locate them from the given text as quickly as you can.

Check for any common patterns of the diagrams you practiced so far?


Read an information text in 4 paragraphs. Information can be anything from behavioral aspect to geographic locations.

Expect 4 paragraphs with 5 answer choices statements. Map statement with the best suitable paragraph or select 5th option of not given in the text.

Topic can be on totally unknown facts rather than description on existing facts.

You will have 10 minutes to answer 9 questions that follows.

How to answer?

Matching statements to the text paragraphs.

Search for the keywords in the question type for any clue.

Eliminate the wrong answer.


Practice unfamiliar topics in time bound situation.

Identify at least three to four different pieces of information in each paragraph within specific time limit.

Practice Skimming and scanning to improve fast reading.


Task 1: Read an opinion report and answer 5 questions that follows.

It can include online article of at least 2 different opinions including but not limited to business, education or policy related article.

Task 2: Read a response and fill in the 5 blanks by selecting the best choice.

You need to read a response message to the viewpoints article mentioned as “Reader’s comment”. And answer 5 blanks appropriately.

You will have 13 minutes to answer 10 questions that follows.

How to answer?

Prepare for high-level words or expressions

Read the question and identify the key words in each and scan paragraph to locate one which most likely contains the answer.

Eliminate the wrong answer.


Learn to recognize and understand opinions presented in writing.

Read editor’s choice of news papers. Identify factual and inferred information.


Task 1: Writing an email regarding to day-to-day matters.

You will have 27 minutes in total to respond to this item type.

Word count limit: 150-200 words

How to answer?

Identify the purpose.

Organize and plan.

Write your response.


Use the right tone.

Stay on topic. Use appropriate phrasing and word choice.

Proofread your response.


Responding to an opinion survey about commonly encountered issues and justify your answer.

Decide between two options and then explain your choice in writing.

Task 1: Prompt introduce you to an imaginary situation.

Task 2: it presents 2 choices of survey.

You will have 26 minutes in total to respond to this item type.

Word count limit: 150-200 words

How to answer?

Identify and brainstorm main idea.

Quickly select pros and cons

Organize, plan write your response.


Read and complete task with required task response.

Care fully manage time to obtain higher score.


Practice speaking into the microphone.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

Assessment skill: NA

How to answer?

Simple and general question to answer.

Don’t bother about the perfect answer. Just familiar with recording tools and timers.

Make sure to hear “Time is up” at the end through your headset.


Help someone to either take decision or to prepare for something.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 90 seconds for task response.

It is the only 90 seconds task response. The rest other questions in speaking are shorter.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.

Spare some time to use some closing remark at the end.


Tell a story about past experience.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to answer?

Describe your experience in a series of events in a way that listener can easily connect to it.

Use descriptive language and link the things that you are going to say.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance. 

End with finishing statement like “I am lucky that I got to attend such event.”


Look at an illustration and describe what is happening.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to Answer?

In Preparation time:

Scan image, identify elements in detail

Identify directions and relation of the image to deliver to listener. 

In Response time: 

Describe in a way that listener can assume visual representation of the image.

Use prepositions like in front of/ behind/over/beneath/between etc and specific verbs.


For each thing you describe, provide specific details for it.

Conclude with summarizing a key feature about image.

Look at an illustration and predict what will happen next.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to Answer?

In Preparation time:

Imagine and think ahead to the next few minutes.

Answer can be imaginary, predictable or completely unexpected but should portray the image well.

In Response time:

Describe in a way that listener can assume visual representation of the image.

Provide some reasons behind your prediction to elaborate your idea.


Since it’s a prediction, you need to focus on future tense. 

Use of precise vocabularies to describe the information in the image.


Select an answer from two similar choices.

You are not required to answer in 1st part of task 5.

You will have 60 seconds preparation time to make a choice from 2 image options.

How to Answer?

Choose any one image that you feel you can talk about best.

Click and wait for the next part of the task.


If you don’t make any choice in 60 seconds, then computer will automatically assign any one for you. 

Any choice doesn’t influence your answering criteria.


Tell a story about past experience.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.


Tell a story about past experience.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.


Tell a story about past experience.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.

Action Lorem

Tell a story about past experience.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.


short audio clip followed by a simple question to answer

Your answer is not evaluated

Assessment skill: NA
How to answer?

Don’t worry about the best answer.

Just focus on equipment check, timer flow and volume adjustment and try to give best answer.


short audio clip about a typical face to face problem-solving conversation between two strangers in a public place.

You will have three sections divided in 8 minutes to listen to.

You will hear an audio only once.

How to answer?

Eliminate the wrong answer.

Understand the main idea and expressions of opinions.

Apply thinking skill to draw a logical conclusion.


Practice listening to real English conversations of the kind. 

Understand speaker’s intention.


short audio clip about a dialogue between two person and answers a set of questions.

You will have 5 minutes to listen to a dialogue and answer the five questions that follow.

You will hear an audio only once.

How to answer?

Eliminate the wrong answer.

Understand the main idea and expressions of opinions.

Apply thinking skill to draw a logical conclusion.


Watch family or office drama scenes, listen to radio podcasts, Tv series that clarify day to day life conversation.

Listen for five W’s: Who-What-Where-When-Why and How.


A longer specialized dialogue about conversation between two people.

You will have 6 minutes to listen to and answer 6 questions that follows.

You will hear an audio only once.

How to answer?

Understand headlines before start of the audio to get hint about the upcoming conversation.

Eliminate the wrong answer.

Make an educated guess.


Try to guess the sub information by simply reading Headlines of the news paper.

Predict the story and see how many of your prediction were right. Though its not listening exercise. 

A video of three-person discussion a problem.

You will have 6 minutes to listen to, watch the discussion and answer 8 questions that follows.

You will hear an audio only once.

How to answer?

Make to summary of the story if not understood whole content.

Differentiate main story to that of less important information.

Make an educated guess


Try making notes while listening an audio if it suits you.

Check website of CBC new program “The National” and try to pick one new topic and identify Most and

less important information from it.


A video of three-person discussion a problem.

You will have 6 minutes to listen to, watch the discussion and answer 8 questions that follows.

You will hear an audio only once.

How to answer?

Make to summary of the story if not understood whole content.

Differentiate main story to that of less important information.

Make an educated guess


Try making notes while listening an audio if it suits you.

Check website of CBC new program “The National” and try to pick one new topic and identify Most and less important information from it.


A report that covers two different perspectives about a controversial social issue.

It is more challenging than any other parts of the listening test.

You will have 8 minutes to listen to and answer 6 questions that follows.

You will hear an audio only once.

How to answer?

Make summary of the story if not understood whole content.

Differentiate main story to that of less important information.

Make an educated guess


Try making notes while listening an audio if it suits you.

Check website of CBC new program “The National” and try to pick one new topic and identify Most and less important information from it.


Practice speaking into the microphone.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

Assessment skill: NA

How to answer?

Simple and general question to answer.

Don’t bother about the perfect answer. Just familiar with recording tools and timers.

Make sure to hear “Time is up” at the end through your headset.


Help someone to either take decision or to prepare for something.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 90 seconds for task response.

It is the only 90 seconds task response. The rest other questions in speaking are shorter.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.

Spare some time to use some closing remark at the end.


Tell a story about past experience.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.


Tell a story about past experience.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.


Tell a story about past experience.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.


Tell a story about past experience.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.


Tell a story about past experience.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.


Tell a story about past experience.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.


Tell a story about past experience.

You will have 30 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds for task response.

How to answer?

Clarify what to talk.

Think of convincing information like pros and cons of something to inform to the person.


Link the ideas together to show the relevance.

Use few phrases like, “The thing you can do is…”.

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