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United Kingdom: Home Office Announces New Immigration Routes

Key Points

  • The High-Potential Individual route will enable recent graduates from top global universities to reside in the UK without a job offer, while searching for a job.
  • The Scale-up route allows foreign nationals with high-skilled jobs from a designated scale-up business who meet the salary requirements to enter the UK. Scale-up businesses must be able to prove an annual average revenue or employment growth rate over a three-year period that is greater than 20% with no less than 10 employees at the start of the three-year period.
  • For the Revitalized Innovator route, applicants must prove their status by showing their business venture is innovative, has potential to grow, and adds value to the UK. The applicants do not need to have GBP 50,000 in investment funds to apply through the innovator route. Applicants who have been accepted through the Global Entrepreneur Program will automatically be qualified for the revitalized innovator route.


The UK government recently released its Innovation Strategy, which includes the Home Office’s new immigration routes. In an effort to promote innovation and enhance productivity throughout the economy, these new routes should help improve the UK immigration system, while also bringing jobs to the country. 

What are the Changes?

These additions to the UK immigration routes will ultimately encourage more people to reside and work in the UK.  

Looking Ahead

These changes to the immigration routes attract global labor market to the UK, by making it easier and more attractive to establish a business. 


Published by Aakash Kadia

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